Urban.MASS and Abba RailX to roll out Floc® Duo Rail™ mass transit systems across African continent


London – June 26, 2024: Urban.MASS and ABBA RailX, a division of Abba Platforms Inc., have signed a Letter of Intent to pioneer the deployment of the Floc® Duo Rail™ system across Africa. This landmark agreement, with a projected value of more than $2 billion USD, demonstrates an unprecedented level of commitment to implementing affordable, accessible, and low-carbon mass public transit systems across the continent, starting in Luanda, Angola, with pre-feasibility work in 2024.

“This is exactly what our company was set up to do,” said Ricky Sandhu, Co-Founder of Urban.MASS. “Bringing together the world’s best partners and the latest advances in technology, design and innovation to provide safe, sustainable urban mass transit to places where it can significantly improve people’s lives. We recognise the urgency required, and our leapfrog technology is designed precisely to respond to the urgent needs of millions in rapidly growing urban centres around the world, like Luanda.

I’m grateful to Abba RailX for tackling this issue with the people of the Luanda Province and selecting our technology to connect the city and drive socio-economic growth across the region. Everyone around the world deserves the right to move affordably, safely and efficiently.”

The Floc® Duo Rail™ system, consisting of lightweight, automated, electrically powered pods on custom-designed elevated tracks, is poised to revolutionise urban mobility by dramatically reducing carbon emissions to 50% of comparable urban mass transport alternatives. This innovative transit solution addresses Africa's pressing need for efficient public transportation and commercial logistics, catalysing economic growth and improving connectivity across rapidly urbanising regions.

“Abba RailX, powered by the Floc® Duo Rail™ system, places Africa at the forefront of sustainable transportation technology,” said Simon Kapenda, Founder and Executive Chairman of Abba Platforms Inc. “This initiative addresses the continent’s infrastructure deficits, sets a precedent for African cities, and demonstrates the continent’s readiness and commitment to innovation and sustainable development, inspiring others across the continent.”

Under the agreement, Abba Platforms Inc. intends to acquire up to 1,000 Floc® pods and associated Duo Rail™ systems, with a projected project value exceeding US$2 billion over five years, contingent upon the results of the initial feasibility studies. The Floc® Duo Rail™ system provides a scalable and budget-friendly phased solution for Luanda, promoting the circular economy and facilitating a smoother barrier-free implementation and approval process.

“The current challenges in public transport and commercial logistics hinder the sustainable development of many African cities,” said Sandhu. “Our system's flexible and narrow footprint minimizes the need for extensive earthworks, costly tunnels, and large stations, making it an ideal solution for urban environments. Our collaboration with ABBA RailX will provide efficient, zero-emission public transit solutions, addressing transport challenges and contributing to unlocking the continent's vast economic potential by boosting productivity through better connectivity.”

The Letter of Intent was signed by Simon Kapenda and Ricky Sandhu, marking a pivotal moment for both organisations. “This agreement not only represents a milestone for our companies, but also showcases British innovation in mobility, infrastructure, and design expertise overseas,” added Sandhu. “A huge potential Serviceable Available Market already exists for us here, particularly for cost-effective and disruptive solutions, and we’re proud to be leading the way.”

Abba RailX is a division of the successful Abba Platforms, a collection of fast-growing brands at the cutting-edge of financial services, banking, technology, commerce, healthcare, hospitality, transportation, energy, real estate, and entertainment. Kapenda noted, When we began our journey with Abba Wallet, growing to become Africa's fastest-growing peer-to-peer mobile payment and digital wallet platform, expanding our ecosystem was a natural step. Our success in digital payments inspired us to address another urgent issue: the need for efficient, zero-emission public transit solutions for Africa's major cities.

Seeing first-hand the difficulties people face each day in getting to work and home, often taking several hours just for an available bus to arrive, creates immense strain on families and restricts the economy by curtailing productivity – all due to inadequate transportation systems," Kapenda added. “Guided by the African proverb, 'Wisdom is like a baobab tree; no one individual can embrace it,' we sought collaboration and innovative solutions in the right places, leading to our partnership with urban.MASS Ltd. Signing this agreement marks a pivotal moment for our organisation and the entire African continent.”

Commenting on the momentous initiative between Urban.MASS and ABBA RailX, UrbanMass' Advisory Board member, International Relations and Africa Partner, Sam Oboh, shared:

“Growing up in Africa, where I lived, studied, worked, and travelled extensively across its vast landscapes, I have felt the pulse of these cities and witnessed their unique challenges. Streets in many African cities are vibrant yet congested, filled with the daily hustle and bustle, where commuters embark on long, strenuous journeys just to reach their destinations. While autonomous, electric vehicles are impressive in the US and Canada, these solutions may not fit the unique fabric of African cities like Luanda, where significant investment in ground infrastructure is still required.” 

"What we need is an affordable, scalable, quick-to-install, and efficient-to-operate system that embodies the spirit of Africa—community, Ubuntu, optimism, resilience, cultural diversity, connection to nature, celebration, and entrepreneurial spirit.”

Over the past six months, Urban.MASS has achieved significant milestones in advancing its innovative transit solutions, firmly establishing itself as a leader in the global sustainable transportation sector. The company announced a landmark agreement in January with Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) to pilot the Floc® Duo Rail™ system. This followed the signing of an MoU with the University of Birmingham in Dubai to collaborate on research & education and collaborate on deployment in Dubai and a pivotal collaboration with engineering partner SEMP to define the system and service design for the Floc® Duo Rail™ system to create a comprehensive Concept of Operations for launch in Dubai by late 2025.


Notes to editors:

  • About Abba Platforms Inc: Abba Payments Ltd is a premier financial technology company, developing and operating a multiregional and multi-currencies electronic payment system, Abba Wallet, that serves the entire continent of Africa. https://abbawallet.com/#about
  • About Urban.MASS: A UK-based mobility business focused on the design and delivery of innovative, zero-emission mass transit solutions. Urban.MASS was founded to create affordable, accessible and connected mass transit for all, and to reduce congestion and pollution from passenger and cargo transport. Products include the Floc® Duo Rail® system, a flexible transit system that can match capacity with demand via high frequency ‘platoons’ of passenger pods. Its narrow and flexible footprint minimises the need for earthworks, costly tunnels and large stations. https://urbanmass.co.uk/about-us.php
  • Sam Oboh, Urban.MASS provided further perspectives: “Leveraging its robustness to withstand the unique challenges of African cities, the Urban.MASS Floc® Duo Rail™ system inspires hope and optimism, fostering togetherness and mutual support (Ubuntu) by making daily commutes easier and more efficient, allowing people to spend more time with their families and pursue economic opportunities.”


“As a zero-emission system that respects and preserves the environment, aligning with Africa's deep reverence for nature, the Floc® Duo Rail™ system presents an opportunity to integrate locally inspired elements, reflecting the rich traditions of the communities it serves and becoming a source of pride. Recognizing that time is of the essence and Africa’s moment has arrived, I am personally thrilled about the collaboration between ABBA RailX and urban.MASS. Creating new opportunities for business and innovation, the ABBA RailX and urban.MASS partnership celebrates Africa, joy and entrepreneurial spirit, enhancing urban vibrancy and dynamism, and collaboratively weaving a new narrative for African cities, transforming lives and sparking economic growth with a future that beckons us to rise.”

  • MASS is also inviting funding via London Stock Exchange Group’s Floww platform, to accelerate the development and deployment of its groundbreaking Floc® Duo Rail™ system in other parts of the world too. Floww is an innovative platform, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, that connects scaling companies with venture capital and investors, based on merit and real data. If you are interested in learning more about our mission, register your interest here: https://forms.office.com/e/6efQPLf6fK.

For all enquires please contact: stuart.bloomfield@urbanmass.co.uk | www.urbanmass.co.uk